In this post, we may earn a commission from the companies mentioned, while I only recommend to my reader’s good products or services that I personally use and believe in.
I’ve spent some time thinking about the tragic death of George Floyd and the backlash this brutality has flooded out over the world and social media, especially Instagram. I want to get this done because it’s so important that we’re all part of the solution because now is not the time to be neutral.
We must always take sides. Neutrality favors the oppressor, not the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, not the torturer. The opposite of love does not hate, but indifference. Sometimes there may be nothing we can do to prevent injustice, but there must be no time not to protest.
I want to share a person with you, Patrice C. Washington is an amazing black motivational speaker IGTV post – Dear White Friend: You Need To Take A-Side.
I really appreciate Patrice Posting it because that’s exactly what I need to hear and say to me, as a white woman, can make a difference as an influencer, woman, and mother.
This is a demon blog with advice for women of all shapes, sizes, and colors!
If you’re a regular here then you’ll know I always suggest jeans for all body types up until now these body types don’t have an association with race or color, I suppose I’ve been neural as always focusing on body shape rather than the color of the person in these wholesale jeans.
If you’ve always been here, you’ll know that I’ve always advised jeans to be relevant to all body types until now without race or color, and I think I’ve been neural as always focusing on body shape rather than the color of the person in these jeans.
I work on an affiliate basis because I am a member of the Reward Style community, a global network of 5000 retail partners that I am able to tap into and promote when relevant to my niche.
Most of the images I use on this blog come from the retailer’s website (sometimes limited), but I can choose which images to use. I often observe people of different body types make sure that all body shapes are represented equally. I will now include if there is a choice, images of black women. I want women of all ethnicities and colors to feel represented on the website.
We will research and promote black denim brands on the website, and brands black women find to be good for their bodies.
This website can earn commissions from the companies mentioned in this article, but I only recommend to my reader’s good products or services that I personally use and believe in.
Welcome to denim veteran Peter Golding to the seventh episode of the Show & Tell your Denim!
Peter Goldin, known as “the Eric Clapton of denim”, is a leading fashion designer who created the world’s first best jeans in 1978. He also created the infamous “Rock Fit Jean”, which was born in the early 1980s at ACE, his shop in King’s Road, London. Famous people in Peter dressed celebrities including the Rolling Stones, Queen, and Guns N ‘Roses. His Rock Fit Jean went global!